Finances. Wh at is the API Vulkan?
The pr
esence of so ftware on the co mputer al lows you to ex ecute gr aphical co mmands in pr ograms and ga mes. Vu lkan is an op en st andard API for ne xt-generation gr aphics and co mputing, pr oviding hi ghly ef ficient cr oss-platform ac cess to mo dern GP Us. Ho wever, if you ha ve gr aphics dr ivers of su fficiently old ve rsions, you wi ll ha ve to do wnload the so ftware se parately. You can do th is fr om our we bsite. The pr ogram is in stalled in the no rmal mo de. Vu lkan me ets the ne eds of so ftware de velopers in ar eas as di verse as ga me de velopment, mobile ap plication de velopment, and wo rkstation de velopment. The ex plicit de sign of the Vu lkan API al lows it to be ef fectively im plemented on pl atforms co vering a wi de ra nge of mo bile, em bedded, and de sktop devices us ing the Wi ndows, Li nux, and An droid op erating sy stems. Th is pr ogram is ne cessary to in crease the po wer and pe rformance of co mponents in ga mes and he avy ap plications. Vu lkan's te chnology si gnificantly re duces the "u nproductive co st of the so ftware in terface" — the ba ckground wo rk th at is pe rformed by the pr ocessor to in terpret the ga me's re quests to the ha rdware-providing im proved fu nctionality, pe rformance and im age qu ality, as we ll as the ha rdware fu nctions of the GPU.